The largest manufacturer of specialty vehicles in domestic


The first Series of Essay Competition to Welcome Chengli’s 20th Anniversary

The first Series of Essay Competition to Welcome Chengli’s 20th Anniversary

Welcome to the 20th anniversary of Chengli Automobile Manufacturing Co.Ltd

In 2020, the board of directors, party committee and administrative team of Chengli Automobile Group had the foresight to set up Chengli Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the automobile company).After that, the group structure is more reasonable and perfect; the management is more fine-tuned. The automobile company follows the pace of the group,pragmatism and unity, innovation and development. Through the development of the last four years, it has achieved better results, and realized the goal of sustainable development.

Keep up with the pace, find your target

“The interests of the group company is all”, ” Grasp production and operation is the core”, the development of the automobile company has always been guided and oriented by the decisions of the Group Board of Directors, the Group Party Committee, and the administrative leadership team. It firmly grasping good political position, identifying their own Development goals, and all cadres and employees with a high degree of ownership, absolute obedience and efficient execution, actively study and implement the Group’s resolutions and the spirit of the meeting. They also  resolutely implemented each work, each deployment to the person, to the point.They,”to the day to protect the week, to the week to protect the month, the month to protect the quarter, the quarter to protect the year,” resolutely fulfill all the business indexes and tasks issued by the Group.

In accordance with the “Group – subsidiary – production and management units” three-tier management model, subsidiaries manage “points”, production and management units holding “work”, so that the company’s management level is clearer, with clear powers and responsibilities.


Solidarity  collaboration ,clear  labor division

Identifying the development goals, we must think about how to complete, and how to better complete the target task. Automotive company team members make unity and cooperation and has a clear division of responsibilities. In the daily work, they can actively communicate, the work of the problem, ideas, creation recorded at any time to get discussed in the next meet. Give full play to the collective wisdom of the team, to be improved, executed, implemented. It is by this little by little accumulation of management experience, forming the existing set of management mode to carry out their work. Facts have proved that,a management team with political aware, united and pragmatic is a powerful guarantee for creating outstanding performance. The automobile company was awarded the “excellent management team benchmark” in June 2023.

Firm willDare to take responsibility

As a manager, not only to have good teamwork and management ability, but also to have a firm will and thought.The automobile company team members includes both CPC members and preparatory party members.This kind of vanguard role let the team members make higher self-requirements. All of them perform their duties conscientiously, clean and self-disciplined in their work.They always hold themselves strictly as party members, to maintain the advanced nature of party members, and turn them into practical actions and implement them in their work.

Comrade Cheng Jintao, general manager of the automobile company, is a retired soldier. he brought good quality and style of the army to work.when he in charge of sales work,the sales performances are among the top in the company for many year. When encountering critical moments, whether it is an epidemic or floods in Henan Zhengzhou and Suizhou Liulin , he is dare to struggle and sacrifice. He is courageous to charge forward, fighting on the front line.So he is praised by the group party committee, the group company’s commendation for many times, and was named the group’s “top ten exemplary standard-bearer “. Moreover, driven by role model, some of the production units in the charge of Jin Zheng, Guo Chuanjian, Deng Ligang and other comrades were awarded the “love and dedication”, “excellent plant manager” and other benchmark title.

Pay close attention to quality , seize the market

With the goal, division of labor and firm will, the next step is to implement the task without fail. The automobile company was established in a short time, and at the same time, It facing fewer product announcements , the industry continuing to be in the doldrums, the pressure of competition and many other difficulties. In the face of this status quo, the company’s leadership team members “do not wait, do not rely on,do not lie flat”, collect a lot of data to analyze, declaring high-quality announcements, developing best-selling products, paying close attention to product quality and quality of service, and seek cooperation with high-quality sales team, to seize the market opportunity. Meanwhile, through the production unit adjustment, integration, retirement and other ways to promote the production unit developing stably and well. The output value of the direct plant of high-end sprinkler has increased significantly for three consecutive years, from more than 21 million yuan in 2020 to more than 307 million yuan in 2023, becoming the group “key development unit”.

Utilize policies , keep up with times

The development of the automobile company is also inseparable from strong support of the group,such as, the release of various preferential policies and the establishment of the system. These support like treasures for the team members. They carefully study, flexibly using, and increase the production unit’s propaganda; “group” policy make the production unit can get out of the plight of burden on the way forward; the management of sales staff refine with establishment of “ten major sales system”.So the sales staff can improve sales better and faster. “Out-of-city joint venture” by cooperating with more enterprises outside the city, letting “Chengli mode” go out of Suizhou, facing the whole country and even the world.At the same time, they actively organizing joint product promotion activities with the business department of the host factory, seeking chassis business policy.Through Making full use of the company’s publicity platform, keeping pace with the times and increasing the efforts of new media publicity, live broadcast and other business,they let Chengli’s brand louder,products more prosperous.

In the next journey, all cadres and employees of the automobile company engrave “goal” in the heart, taking “implementation” in the hands and “bear” on the shoulders.They don’t forget the original intention and move forward. With a fuller spirit, more energetic, more determined confidence,they make efforts to sustain the company’s development and realize the “100 years of Chengli, 100 billion output value” dream and struggle!